Jane Reichhold

coming home
by flower
In the 1980s Werner and I lived in Hamburg, Germany during the winter and lived on the Gualala ridge during the summers in a barn. It was on one of these trips, over 24 hours long, from Germany, that we were finally on the last few miles. My head bounced against the car window as I wished we were home already. Then I noticed the flowers in the ditch and thought that each one brought me closer home. Suddenly I was happy to just be on the trip, still in this moment.
A dream come true!
Since I had read about the Haiku Pathway in Katikati New Zealand, I had the dream of having one in Gualala. In 2007, after the Collaboration Show, Sus had invited me to put my part of that exhibit on a platform down on the trail.

Every time I walked down to it I kept seeing stones with haiku engraved on them along the path. For the 50th anniversary of Gualala Arts, Sus and I discussed making the path part of that celebration, but we could not find the beautiful river stones in my vision. As soon as I saw one of Art Horvath's stones on the porch of Gualala Arts Center the whole idea began to come together. I have deep heartfelt thanks to Sus Susalla for encouraging my dream and introducing Art to me. Many thanks to Art for all the emails and the tour of his Ideal Quarry by computer. Huge thanks to the Art Dryer and the Grounds Crew at Gualala Arts for accepting the idea of the project and then heaving the stones into place. Peter Mullins, when I have a big moving job, you will be my go-to person.
Engraving poetry on stones is very popular all over Japan. There are several thousand in Tokyo alone. As far as I know, the only two such haiku stone paths outside of Japan are the Katikati Pathway in New Zealand and now this one in Gualala, California. I am very happy to see this dream come true and look forward to many more stones from the many haiku writers of this very special area..
Jane Reichhold was born in Lima, Ohio, in 1937 and grew up in Rockford and Pandora. She attended Bluffton College, Ohio and Fresno State University, Fresno, California. She is the mother of three children – Heidi, Bambi, and Hans. Jane owned a ceramic workshop studio in Dinuba, CA 1967-1971. She moved to Hamburg, West Germany in 1971 when she married Werner Reichhold. In 1980 she began to seriously write and study haiku. Back in the States in 1987 she founded AHA Books Publishing Company, and the magazine Mirrors International Haiku Forum. She started the Tanka Splendor Awards (previously named Mirrors International Tanka Awards) in 1989, a contest which continued until 2009 resulting in 20 anthologies. Co-Editor, with Werner Reichhold, of LYNX, a journal for linking poets with renga, ghazals, haibun, and tanka since 1993 the pair has offered poets a valuable online presence since 2000. She had previously put AHApoetry.com on the web on December 7th, 1995. Jane Reichhold was twice winner of the Museum of Haiku Literature Award in Tokyo and three-time winner of a Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award: Tigers In A Tea Cup, Silence, and A Dictionary of Haiku. Winner of numerous haiku awards, including second place in the 1987 Japan Air Lines contest and in the Itoen Tea Company Award in 1992. In 1998 she was invited, with her husband, by the Imperial Family to attend the Utakai no Hajime – The First Poetry Party of the Year at the Imperial Palace in the Pine Room. Four days later I was given, by command of Emperor Akihito, the sake bowl from which he had taken the ceremonial first sip of sake at a ceremony that day for my work with the tanka in English.
She has published over thirty books of tanka, renga, haiku and other poetry with two of her books published by Kodansha International: How to Write and Enjoy Haiku and Basho The Complete Haiku. With Hatsue Kawamura she translated four books of tanka into English. Jane was invited to speak at the Tanka Seminar at the International Pen Club Annual Meeting in September, 2010, in Tokyo, Japan and was interviewed by Mr. Hiroshi Shino at this event. Her papers are being archived at the American Haiku Archives in the State Library of California, in Sacramento, California.
There she became the first American woman artist accepted into Deutsche Kunstlerbund [German Artists' Organization].
Shadows on an Open Window, Humidity Productions: 1979.
Installation: Collage in Space, Humidity Productions: 1982.
From the Dipper...Drops, Humidity Productions: 1983.
Duet for One Mirror, Humidity Productions: 1984.
Thumbtacks on a Calendar, Humidity Productions: 1985.
Reissnaegal auf einem Kalender, 1985, (Translation of Thumbtacks in German).
Cherries/Apples, Humidity Productions: 1986.
Graffiti, Humidity Productions: 1986.
As Stones Cry Out, Humidity Productions: 1987.
Tigers in a Tea Cup, AHA Books: 1988. Haiku Society Merit Book Award
The Land of Seven Realms, Edited. AHA Books: 1988.
A Literary Curiosity: Pyramid Renga "Open,” with Bambi Walker, AHA Books: 1989.
Narrow Road to Renga, AHA Books: 1989.
A Gift of Tanka, AHA Books: 1990.
Those Women Writing Haiku. AHA Online Book: 1990 - 2001
Round Renga Round, Edited AHA Books: 1990.
silence, AHA Books: 1991. Haiku Society Merit Book Award.
A Dictionary of Haiku, AHA Books: 1992.
Trashopper Haique, AHA Books: 1992.
Classical Mega-Brain Potential, AHA Books: 1992.
Inksmith, with Werner Reichhold. AHA Books: 1992.
Wave of Mouth Stories, AHA Books: 1993.
American Haiku of Four Seasons, bilingual English–Chinese, 1991.
Oracle, with Werner Reichhold. AHA Books: 1993.
Wind Five Folded, Edited with Werner Reichhold. AHA Books: 1992
Bowls I Buy, AHA Online Book: 1996.
Banana Skies – A Play. AHA Online Book: 1997.
Giants’ Highway. AHA Online Book: 1993.
In the Presence, with Werner Reichhold, AHA Books: 1997.
Invitation, with Werner Reichhold. AHA Books: 1998.
Geography Lens, AHA Books: 1999.
Her Alone AHA Online Book: 2001.
Journal Journeys. AHA Online Book: 2002.
Writing and Enjoying Haiku: A Hands-On Guide, Kodansha: 2003.
Ten Years Haikujane, AHA Books: 2008.
Basho’s Complete Haiku, Kodansha: 2008.
A Tear Out of Renga with Marlene Mountain, AHA Online Book, 2008.
Tanka Splendor, Editor, AHA Books Online, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Twenty Years of Renga: The Participation Renga from Lynx 1987 - 2007. Jane and Werner Reichhold, editors. AHA Books Online. 2007
Twenty Years Tanka Splendor, AHA Books, Editor. 2009.
Scarlet Scissors Fire. Jane Reichhold. AHA Books. 2009.
Circus Forever. Jane Reichhold with Peter Goetsche. AHA Books. 2010
A Film of Words with Werner Reichhold. AHA Book, 2010.
AHA The Anthology, editor, AHA Books, 2012.
Naked Rock, AHA Books, 2013
A Dictionary of Haiku: Second Edition, AHA Books, 2013
(All online books can be seen at HApoetry.com/onlinbk2.htm)
Books of Translation
White Letter Poems by Saito Fumi, with Hatsue Kawamura, AHA Books: 1998.
Heavenly Maiden Tanka by Akiko Baba, with Hatsue Kawamura, AHA Books: 1999.
A String of Flowers, Untied. . . Love Poems from Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, with Hatsue Kawamura, Stone Bridge Press: 2002.
Breasts of Snow: The Life and Tanka of Fumiko Nakajo, with Hatsue Kawamura,,The Japan Times: 2004.
Taking Tanka Home, AHA Books. First Edition: 2010; Second Edition with Aya Yuhki: 2011.
Akiko in Love: All the poems from Tangled Hair, with Machiko Kobayashi, 2013 Babel University Press, Tokyo
Jane was a twice winner of the Museum of Haiku Literature Award [Tokyo]. Three-time winner of a Haiku Society of America Merit Book Award: Tigers In A Tea Cup, Silence, and A Dictionary of Haiku. Winner of numerous haiku awards, including second place in the 1987 Japan Air Lines contest and in the Itoen Tea Company Award in 1992.
In 1998 she was invited, with her husband, by the Imperial Family to attend the Utakai no Hajime – The First Poetry Party of the Year at the Imperial Palace in the Pine Room. Four days later she was given, by command of Emperor Akihito, the sake bowl from which he had taken the ceremonial first sip of sake at a ceremony that day for her work with the tanka in English.
1967-1971 Consignment of ceramic sold through Mirzelle Galleries in Los Angeles.
1965 - 1970 Exhibit at the Tulare Country Artists' Association. Best of Show in 1967.
1967 Fresno Art Center Group Show, Fresno, California.
1971 - 72 Hamburg Film Shows, Hamburg Germany.
1973, 1974 and 1975 Films chosen for the Film Festival in Marburg, Germany.
1975 Show of Flags in Rottweil, Germany.
1976 Show of Flags in Kuenstlerbund at Mannheim, Germany.
1977 Summer Show in Galerie Falazik in Neuenkirchen / Soltau, Germany.
1978 Summer Show at Galerie Falazik in Neuenkirchen / Soltau, Germany.
1978 Second International Handweaving Exhibition, Kouvola, Finland.
1978 "Textile-Happening" Muenchen, Germany.
1979 IX International Kongress der IAA / AIAP, Stuttgart, Germany.
1979 Group Show of the Kuenstlerbund in Stuttgart, Germany.
1979 Mostra Internazionale di Poesia Visiva, Imola, Italy.
1979 Accepted in the Deutsche Gruppe Textilkunst and in the group show in Muenchen, Germany.
1980 Became the first American woman artist accepted into Deutsche Kunstlerbund [German Artists' Organization].
1980 "Artists Making Cases for Rottweil" in Rottweil and in Freiburg, Germany.
1980 "Textil-Happening" Heidelberg, Germany.
1980 Galerie Kreth d'Orey, Heidelberg, Germany.
1980 Kuenstlerbund, Hannover, Germany.
1981 Stubengalerie Malten, Dortmund, Germany.
1981 Deutsche Gruppe Textilkunst in Jesuitenkirche, Aschaffenburg, Germany.
1981 Galerie Rasmussen, Berlin, West Germany.
1981 Deutsche Gruppe Textilkunstshow at the Children's Museum, Washington, DC, USA.
1981 Group show at Amerika Haus, Muenchen, Germany.
1981 "Szenen der Volkskunst" at the Modern Art Museum, Stuttgart, Germany.
1981 Kuenstlerbund group show in Nuernberg, Germany.
1981"Natur-Kunst" Modern Museum of Art, Stuttgart, Germany.
1982 4th International Biennial of miniature Textiles, Szombathely, Hungary.
1982 Summer Show at Galerie Rasmussen, Berlin, West Germany.
1982 Deutsche Gruppe Textilkunst "K-18", Kassel, Germany.
1982 Installation "Wilhelmshaven" in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
1982 Kuenstlerbund, Duesseldorf, Germany.
1982 Deutsche Gruppe Textilkunstshow "Flying Colors" in Dallas, Texas, USA.
1982 Art in the Redwoods, Gualala, California, USA.
1983 "Flags" in Schlosspark, Bad Saeckingen, Germany.
1983 Galerie Falazik, Neuenkirchen / Soltau, Germany.
1983 Sammlung Westerman at Rathaus, Gaggenau, Germany.
1985 Sammlung Westerman at Wilhelm-Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
1987 Sammlung Westerman at Galerie Broetzinger Art, Pforzheim, Germany.
1989 Sammlung Westerman at Rathaus Fellbach, Germany.
1991 Sammlung Westerman at Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany.
1993 Sammlung Westerman at Galerie der Stadt Sindelfingen, Germany.
2001 Deutsche Gruppe Textilkunst summer show at Textile Museum Max Beck, Heidelberg, Germany.
2002 Art in the Redwoods, Gualala, California - Best of Show by Local Artist, First Place in clay and the Rams Head Clay Award.
2002 Masks! CityArt Members' Show at Point Arena, California, USA.
2003 “Red, White and Black” Members' Show membership show at Gualala Arts Center.
2003 “Beaux Sprits” Members' Show, CityArt, Point Arena California, USA
2003 Art in the Redwoods, Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2003 "Broad(er)sides", Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2003 "Politically Speaking" Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2003 "Holiday Store" CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2004 "Minimal Show" CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2004 "Fresh Start - New Art " Gualala Art Center, Gualala, California, USA
2004 "Collage, Assemblage and Mobiles" CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2004 "The Chair Affair" Gualala Art Center, Gualala, California, USA
2004 "The Fifth Annual Beaux Esprits Show" CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2004 "Art in the Redwoods" Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA.First Place Prize in Ceramics.
2004 "Studio Discover Tour" Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2004 Pforzheim Art Museum in the Galerie Brötzinger Art e.V.Members' Show, Pforzheim, Germany,
2004 North Coast Artists Guild Membership Show, Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2004 "Festival of Trees and Gingerbread Houses 2004" at Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA. Blue Ribbon with Jody Semegran for "Best Team Effort" with "Home Sweet Home."
2005 "Wet Paint" The Best of 2004, North Coast Artists Guild, Gualala Art Center, Gualala, California, USA
2005 "FireUP" Gualala Arts Members' Show at CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2005 "Broad(er)sides Show" at Gualala Art Center, Gualala, California, USA
2005 "Woven Art" at CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2005 Stellar Gallery, Oakhurst, California, USA
2005 "Creative Spirit" at Gualala Art Center, Gualala, California, USA
2005 "Art in the Redwoods" Gualala Art Center, Gualala, California, USA
2005 Studio Discovery Tour North Coast Artists Guild, Gualala, California, USA
2005 "Festival of Trees and Gingerbread Houses 2005" at Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2006 "The Print Examined" CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2006 Beaux Esprits Members' Show, CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2006 Art in the Redwoods at Gualala Arts, Gualala, California, USA.
Judges' Award for "For Jane from Tarzan," a beaded necklace.
2006 Environmental Show at Gualala Arts, Gualala, California, USA
Won the Friends of the Gualala River Award for "It Pay to Pick Up Litter."
2007 Collaborative Art at Gualala Arts, Gualala, California, USA
2007 Art in the Redwoods, Gualala Arts, Gualala, California, USA
2007-2008 "X mal ICH (X times I) - Sammlung Westermann at the Staedtische Galerie Fruchthalle, Rastatt, Germany.
2008 Gualala Arts Holiday Exhibit, Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2008 Holiday Store, CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA
2009 “Judged by Your Peers” Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2009 Japanese Art & Poetry Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2009 Plastic NOR Paper Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2009 Polyglot: Expressive Media in Book Arts Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2010 Art in the Redwoods, Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2011 “The Doll,” Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2011 “Confrontational Art” Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2011 Art in the Redwoods, First Place in Mixed Media, Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2012 “Living on the Edge” Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2012 “Holiday Bead Extravaganza, Coast Highway Art Collective, Point Arena
2013 “Suiseki – Viewing Stones” Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
2013 “Art for Art’s Sake” Gualala Arts Center, Gualala, California, USA
1977 "Twenty Fingers" in Hamburg, Germany.
1979 Amerika Haus, Hamburg, Germany.
1979 Galerie an der Notkirche, Goch, Germany.
1980 Stubengalerie Malten, Dortmund, Germany.
1980 Amerika Haus, Hannover, Germany.
1980 Galerie Rasmussen, Berlin, West Germany.
1981 Amerika Haus in Frankfurt, Germany.
1981 Modern Museum of Art Hamburg, Germany.
1981 Kuenstlerhaus, Hamburg, Germany.
1983 Installation/Action at Gnadenkirche, Hamburg, Germany.
1988 Galerie Broetzinger Art, Pforzheim, Germany.
2003"Vessels of Spirits" with Suzanne DeVeuve, Dolphin Gallery, Gualala, California, USA
2003 "Talking Potheads" CityArt, Point Arena, California, USA.
2005 Sheila Miles Fine Art Gallery, Point Arena, California, USA
2008 Gualala Arts / Sea Ranch Lodge Front Gallery Art Show in collaboration with Susan Adamé's handmade paper abstracts. The Sea Ranch, California, USA
P.O. Box 767
Gualala, CA 95445

July 16, 2013